Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of elected members in addition to the Director and the staff representative. Board members are parents or guardians of children currently enrolled at the school with exception of one or two members of the community at large or former Nonotuck parents who have professional expertise beneficial to the school. Members are elected to the Board of Directors by the general membership of the Corporation (all parents and guardians) at the annual meeting. The Board member serves a one or two-year term. Terms of office are staggered with half the Board positions vacated and refilled at each annual meeting.

The Board does not directly supervise the daily activities at Nonotuck it concerns itself with questions of policy having to do with long-range operation of the school and to some extent with its overall philosophy. Board members are responsible for fiscal policies and fundraising. The Board approves the budget each year and makes decisions about such matters as fees, fines, salaries, and contract negotiations. In addition, Board members keep informed about the operation of the school so they can have discussions and take action as necessary. In addition to the required monthly Board meetings, Board members, when their schedule permits, spend time at the School to see how things are working.

Members of the Board must attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Board as well as occasional special meetings. They prepare for these meetings by reading relevant material beforehand, such as explanations of proposed changes or innovations, as well as following through on tasks that arise from Board deliberations. Many Board members have specific tasks involved in serving as officers on the Board. Since a term on the Board runs for one or two years, a Board member should be prepared to commit that time to the job. If the Board member misses three meetings in a given year, the membership can be terminated.

Board meetings are held once a month on a designated night. Any parent is welcome to attend or to contact a Board member to bring to the Board a special concern or suggestion. Board agendas, a list of Board members, and a schedule of meetings are posted in the Board minutes.

2024-2025 Board Members

Shawna Tobin, Executive Director

Netania Shapiro, Administrative Director

Jana Cable, President

Craig Erny, Vice-President

Jon Roberts, Treasurer

Rachael Workman, Clerk

Ann Talarico, Parent Liaison

Nicole Krauth, Social Committee Liaison

Alex Breger, DEI Committee Liaison

Caitlin Isbister and Tyler Comings, Personnel Committee Co-Liaisons

Brenden Baitch, Fundraising Committee Liaison

Crystal Jones , Staff Representative